
SwissLane Dairy Farms Tour Review - & Panini Press Giveaway!

I honestly can't think of much anything better than knowing that the majority of the milk sold in Michigan is also produced in Michigan. I love that the local dairy farm I toured a few weeks ago is also environmentally verified, that means they have undergone a process that tests their impact on the local environment.

The time I spent at SwissLane Dairy Farms was an educational eye opener - and they do Dairy Discovery tours for kids too! There were a number of other local bloggers there and we saw so much, but beyond all that stood in front of us, the thing that shined the brightest was the love of the animals on this farm.

I see so much negativity in the news and online about "big" farms - CAFO's to be exact. This farm is classified as such, but there wasn't anything that resembled the "sick" conditions that many want to try to associate with a CAFO.

Everyone wants to make someone out to be the bad guy, but while we were learning about the process behind the farm there was one theme that I kept hearing under the education: "that's what's best for the cows". Over and over again, from the fans in the barns to keep the temperatures where the cows are comfortable, to the system that feeds them a tailored diet in the fully automated barn, everything they do at SwissLane Dairy Farms is done to keep the cows healthy and happy. And of course, healthy cows produce a quality product and that's good too.

The milk production is carefully monitored and if milk from a single sick cow makes it into the holding tanks, the entire tank must be dumped and cleaned - so healthy cows are a necessity.

From birth these little guys are raised with every precaution taken. We had the opportunity to give the little guys a treat of warm water (they LOVE it), but were instructed not to let them share bottles as to not possibly pass anything from one calf to another.

Jen from TheBigBinder.com
We also got to see the "teenage" cow barns, the feed piles and just missed seeing a birth of a baby cow.

And I had no clue that anything like this fully automated barn even existed. Each cow is tracked by computer, milked by a machine and their food/protein is handed out based on their milk production (they don't get the "good" stuff until they are being milked) - it's a reward system type training so they will go in to be milked.

After our tour, we were invited to create our own paninis for lunch featuring a selection of cheese and with ..... wait for it.... MILK to drink :)

I love experimenting in the kitchen and have enjoyed a couple of the recipes at the UDIM website. Panini's are one of my favorites anyway and they always include cheese in this house.

After several hours spent on the farm and a wonderful lunch, SwissLane Dairy Farms and UDIM sent us all home with a new panini press and a few other goodies. But they also asked each of us to talk about the farm and to share a giveaway with you!


Despicable Me Squash Minions

We had a little fun tonight in preparation for tomorrow's House of Holloween Horrors shoot...... I mentioned the other day that we like to have a lot of fun with the kids and it included a rabbit slicing up pumpkins with a makeshift table saw.

Between then and now that little rabbit also lined the pumpkins up and taught the other animals in the house how to shoot for the firing squad.

Tomorrow the rabbit is enlisting the aid of today's minions, so stay tuned.

These Squash Minions took just a little imagination and very little time.

We used spaghetti squash, mason jar lids, paint, hot glue, marker and a little cardboard.

We painted on the overalls.

Flipped the lid over and turned the seal the wrong way and hot glued it in place. Then we cut out teeth and used marker to color in the mouth on one and the eyes on both.

 And we have MINIONS!


Scarecrows in Rockford, MI - One of our favorite family projects!

They're back! And we are doing ours tomorrow!

This event has been a favorite for our family almost every year since we moved to the area. Previous year's events have run from about 10am to 4pm on each of the Saturdays of Harvest Festival and from about Noon to 4pm on the Sundays of Harvest Festival. (I say about because the volunteers are always there a little early and they will usually stay as long as it stays busy.) I'm pretty sure it's the same this year, but forgot to bring the schedule home ;)

For $7 per scarecrow, they have everything you need right there. They give you the stick, have piles of clothes to choose from, "heads" to stuff and markers to make your face, the ties to stop the hay from falling out and the hay to stuff the scarecrows with.

These pictures are from a couple years ago, so I'll add new ones after we do ours, I just want to make sure everyone knows what fun it is and they have a chance to go!

For $14 we were able to have a great family project together and we got a large portion of our fall decorating done!

All proceeds benefit the Rockford Historical Society.



Kids Driving You Nuts? Don't Sell Them to the Circus, Take Them There! Sept 19-22 at Van Andel Arena #GRRingling

So, it's been a crazy start to the school year here. Before the second day of school was over they had already cancelled the third due to ecoli in the water of the city. Then the fourth day ended up being cancelled as well. My kids that were REALLY excited to back at school quickly reverted to lazy days of end of summer and wanted to do something fun.

So is the bloom of the back to school season wearing off for you already? Are you finding the kids antsy for something fun like you packed the summer with?

Then Ringling Bros Barnum & Bailey Dragons might be the thing for you!

If you go early enough you can go down on the show floor before and meet many of the performers. Ainsley LOVED it last year. She thought everything was so cool and had to have her picture taken with this performer that she thought was SO pretty!

The circus is just the perfect icing to our dragon filled month. Just down and around the corner from Van Andel Arena my husband's good friend from high school is installing his "Monty, a dog gone dragon" ArtPrize piece! It's a mythical kind of month.

And my giveaway winner is......
Kristen! Check your email!

How you can save: Save $5 on tickets to select performances with code "MOM" - Valid on the $25 and $20 price levels only. Valid on select performances: Friday, Sept. 20 @ 7 PM; Saturday, Sept. 21 @ 7 PM; and Sunday Sept. 22 @ 5 PM. Not valid on Opening Night tickets. Not valid on circus celebrity, front row, VIP, or $15 seating. Not valid with any other offer or discount. Must purchase via Ticketmaster.com or charge by phone at (800) 745-3000. Limit 8 tickets per order.

And if you have a little one I LOVE this program for babies!

Free Ticket for Baby’s First Circus®
Moms and Dads! Children of All Ages!

Parenthood brings many wonderful firsts - your baby’s first tooth, your baby’s first steps... and of course, your Baby’s First Circus!

That’s why we created the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® Baby’s First Circus program for parents of newborns (up to 12 months old and living in the continental United States).

When You Sign Up You'll Receive:

A ticket voucher, which will arrive by mail, that can be exchanged for a free ticket to any
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey performance, anytime, anywhere. No expiration date!
You'll also be able to print a very special commemorative certificate, that you can personalize with your child's name!
Ringling Bros. celebrates children of all ages. Give a special gift to your older children by signing them up, and you'll be able to print a free personalized Ringling Bros. commemorative certificate for them also.

Getting your free ticket voucher and personalized certificate is easy, so sign up today and prepare for a lifetime of fun with The Greatest Show On Earth®!

A sincere thanks to Feld Entertainment for providing tickets to my family and a contest winner to experience opening night of this show!


Barnum & Bailey Dragons Coming to Van Andel Arena 9/18-9/22/13 & A Family Four Pack Giveaway!

We saw the first posters for this last year before we even attended the event that came to Van Andel Arena. My son has been excitedly waiting for it ever since! I think it looks TOTALLY cool too!

What they have to say: "Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® Presents DRAGONS is a once in a millennium event that honors The Year of the Dragon. Circus performers from the farthest reaches of the earth have assembled for Ringling Bros.® Presents Dragons to showcase their astounding acts of bravery and astonishing athleticism. Ringling Bros. Ringmaster Johnathan Lee Iverson presides over this fantastical celebratory tournament of circus champions that brings together mystic dragon lore with authentic circus feats. Dragons is a never-before-seen blend of renowned spiritual and real life legends that can be found only at The Greatest Show On Earth®!"

How you can save: Save $5 on tickets to select performances with code "MOM" - Valid on the $25 and $20 price levels only. Valid on select performances: Friday, Sept. 20 @ 7 PM; Saturday, Sept. 21 @ 7 PM; and Sunday Sept. 22 @ 5 PM. Not valid on Opening Night tickets. Not valid on circus celebrity, front row, VIP, or $15 seating. Not valid with any other offer or discount. Must purchase via Ticketmaster.com or charge by phone at (800) 745-3000. Limit 8 tickets per order.

How you can win: Enter via the Rafflecopter form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway